Ruling on praying with night clothes
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، الحمد لله رب العالمين، و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله -صلوات الله وسلامه.عليه- وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
أما بعد
So the Question here is ‘What is the ruling on praying with night clothes
So I begin my answer firstly as an advice to my brothers and sisters that the one who prays he stands before the Lord of the worlds and it is upon the one who stands before theLord of the worlds to be in the best appearance
-: Allah said
(يَا بَنِي آدَمَ خُذُوا زِينَتَكُمْ عِنْدَ كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍ)
O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes), while praying and going round (the Tawaf of) the Ka’bah
From here we say that the night clothes will not be a cloth of impurity just because we slept in it and sleep is not something that nulifies the clothes purity
So whomsoever prays in the night clothes then his prayer is valid
However if we see in this world that if someone is going to meet a person with a high rank or status then would that person go and meet him in the night clothes or does he go and meet him with the sports clothes ? Then the answer is no, he doesn’t go like that.
And if a person has a job, will he go to his job wearing his night clothes ? Is it appropriate for him to wear night clothes and go to his job ? The answer is no. Rather he will go with his best clothes and he will make sure to be in the best appearance.
So here we say, Allah is the one who created us, he is the one who sustains us and he is the one who gave us plenty of bounties, so it is upon the servant to revere Allah in fear while he stands in front of the Lord of the worlds. Is it appropriate for him to stand in front of the Lord of the worlds with night clothes
Allah said
(يَا بَنِي آدَمَ خُذُوا زِينَتَكُمْ عِنْدَ كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍ)
“O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes), while praying and going round (the Tawaf of) the Ka’bah,
And the Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wa salam said
إِنَّ اللهَ جَمِيْلٌ يُحِبُّ الجَمَال
“……Verily Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty“
صحيح مسلم 91
And the Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wa salam said
“……And Allah is more deserving that you beautify for him”
مصنف عبد الرزاق 1341
And Imam Al Albani said :- “There is no doubt that the general meaning of this hadeeth is that when a person stands in front of Allah and addresses him, then it is upon him to be in his best clothes” Silsilat Huda Wa Nur : 33
And the Sahabi, Abdullah Ibn Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RadhiAllahu Anhuma) saw his freed slave Nafi’ praying while there was nothing on his head (i.e no turban or no cap), so once Nafi’ was done he (RadhiAllahu Anhuma) asked him ‘If you are going to meet a ruler would you go in this state?’ So Nafi replied ‘No I would never go like this’ So Ibn Umar (RadhiAllahu Anhuma) replied “Allah is more deserving that you beautify for him”
So this is a question we must ask ourselves. Will we go to meet a ruler or someone in a high status with the dress that we use for sleep ? Then the answer that everyone of us would be a no.
We would try to get our best clothes to meet the ruler. Then what should be our condition with the Lord of the worlds, Allah
So here we note that some of the people they pray in the night clothes or with the clothes that they play sports in or they pray with the clothes that they used for working in and all of this is inappropriate. It is inappropriate for him to use it for prayer
However if the cloth that the one who is praying is free of impurities then his Salah is valid and there is nothing wrong
و الله تعالى أعلم